Safety of kiters and surfers on the Andalusia waves

Kite and surf in Cadiz, Spain

There are many kiters and surfers are dressed in shorts which they wear on wetsuit. What is the reason for doing this?
Really, it is not quite clear for understanding why the kite- or wind-surfers have to wear his shorts on the wetsuit?!

First of all, a shorts on your body is to protect your dress. There are lot of sharp pebbles on the coastal shelf and on the banks which can damage the wetsuit of the surfer. But wetsuit is not cheap thing as usually and the price to repair it is very expensive often. So for a person the shorts has exclusively defensive character.

The second purpose of the a shorts or a shirt - is for the protection and for the identification of the kiter. The surfer on the dark waves, in the dark wetsuit with the dark board and the dark surf trapez. Almost all kiter want to be identified: for example, they try to show their skills to the friends. So it is the reason why many surfers and kiters try to buy the bright shorts or bright shirt. If the kiter wears bright clothes, then it is possible to identify him. So when you buy the dress for kiting or surfing - try to choose a brighter color.

You need to understand how many kiters in Andalusia in Cadiz.... The sea near the beaches in small city Tarifa becomes dark with color highlights because a lot of surfers. So you need to be unique in these crowd.

So, the bright clothes maybe funny, but this moment is a big reason for safety of kiter. If you look bright - then easier to organize a rescue service if you're in trouble.

So wish you a nice wind and a good waves! Have a nice leasure!

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