History of kiting (1 part)
Kiting - is a relatively new extreme sport with big speed, the incredible jumps and with the lots of positive emotions. The word "kite" has no relation to the child's play with kite for game. Kite in our situation - it's a big wing with 25 meters long with ending strap or with handles for control. The rest equipment depends from the season . If you want to ride in the winter, you can use skis (kite-skiing), ice skating, snowboarding (kite snowboarding ). But in the summer you should use a skateboard, surfboard or rollers .
Kiting has a very interesting and a long history. The first mention about the kites refers to 478-392 BC. It is connected with the name of Mo Zi - Chinese philosopher . He has long pondered the creation of "man-made bird " and after three years of work, he had launch the wooden falcon into the sky. The philosopher gave his manuscripts and diagrams to his student Gonshu Wang , who made kite from thin strips of bamboo, treated with fire. The design was very light and very durable. The story goes that she flew for three days.
Another mention about the kites was found in the description of the feat Han Sheen - the Chinese general who belonged to the ruling dynasty of 206 BC. In a military campaign he say to release the kites. The kites were as the guides for them in the creation of digging under and give information about the movement of army. It was the right decision - the knowledge of the distances helped him to win. In the seventh century AD the kites have spread among the samurai in Japan. Well-known thief, Kakinoki Kinsuke, in 1712 under cover of night took to the skies on a kite, reached Nagoya tower and stole the valuable cup with golden dolphins. This robbery it was maybe the most cocky, but the thief chatted about his achievement to all, and he was caughted by the security. In India, kites are established during the Mogul . This fact became known thanks miniatures depicting a young man who control the kite, which has a message for his girlfriend.
In the eighth century, kites were born in Europe. They did not received the very wide distribution and didn't had the impact on the culture. But later , in the 17-18 centuries a kites have become the engine of the progress in science . They were used by Alexander Wilson and Ben Franklin for the study of atmospheric phenomena. Samuel Langley , the Wright brothers, Lawrence Hargrave and George Cayley using the kites for the preparing of the first airplane. U.S. Weather Bureau began to apply them to launch meteorological equipment.
"History of a kiting" - to be continued...
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