History of kiting (2 part)

Kite in Marbella"History of a kiting" - 1 part

In 1822, George Pocock , a schoolteacher, made ​​stroller which pulled with the four kite. He did not paid the tax, because he rode without the horses. In 1948 Rogallo fashioned kite with the fleksiving system and in 1964 Gelbert invented kite with the parafoil system - these two discoveries became the fundamental for a kiting . They became the base of the design of parachutes and gliders .

The man's first flight on the kite had been in 1752. Alexander Graham Bell created a bunch of 13 small kites. An american officer climbed on it on the attitude of 50 meters and hung in the air for nearly seven hours. In the early 20th century, people began to set the records, and a kiting is not an exception . In 1901, Japan launched the construction area of ​​18 square meters and a weight of 1050 pounds, for lifting it took 215 people .

Of course, it is very fun to run kites, but it was not enough for the some people. So father and son Rosler for many years experimented on the theme of towing kite yachts on the water. Over time, they received a patent for a system of " kite-skiing ", which was launched for sale in 1994. In 1989 kiting received the official recognition , and it have been held world championships . All these events led to the situation when the kite become considered not as fun games, but as the sports.

Nowadays,worldwide there are many kite clubs, where people are learning the kiting. The company for the production of sports equipment is watching on this sport. Generally, a kiting is a very dynamic and a prediction of its development almost impossible. But it is safe to say that this kind of sport has the good future. After all, everyone wants glide over the waves or surf the snowy expanses . With the kite it is reality. The main thing to remember: kiting - a sport , it requires not only the wind and the equipment, but also the mind. Let's think and will try to enjoy of a outdoor activities.

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